Complexos Psicológicos em Astrologia e o Mapa de Frida Kahlo
À convite da Astrology Ireland, apresentei esta palestra em inglês, no dia 04/12/2020.
Através da compreensão de Jung sobre os Complexos, podemos acessar tais dinâmicas em um Mapa Astrológico, entendendo-os como centros autônomos altamente carregados de energia e com seus próprios núcleos de crenças.
Abordaremos a vida e obra de Frida Kahlo e veremos claramente como seu Mapa reflete claramente seus complexos psicológicos!
Astrology Ireland tem sede na Irlanda e é comandada por Margaret Gray e John Byrne.
Psychological Complexes in Astrology and Frida Kahlo’s chart
We can understand the dynamics of a chart through Jung’s comprehension on the Complexes, as highly charged autonomous center with their own core beliefs. In this presentation, we’ll see Frida Kahlo’s chart as an example of how a chart can reflect one’s psychological complexes!
We’ll see some of these energy networks and how to integrate them, trying to answer these questions:
* How to detect psychological complexes in a chart?
* How do these complexes control our behavior?
* How can we deal with these intruder forces within? What’s the solution?
Detalhes do Evento por Astrology Ireland:
Online Presentation and Virtual Cafe afterwards!
Astrology Ireland is delighted to welcome another amazing psychological astrologer and friend of the group, Marcia Ferreira Silva all the way from Brazil!
Topic: Psychological Complexes in Astrology using the chart of Frida Kahlo
We can understand the dynamics of a chart through Jung’s comprehension on the complexes, as highly charged autonomous center with their own core beliefs. In this presentation, we’ll see Frida Kahlo’s chart as an example of how a chart can reflect one’s psychological complexes!
We’ll see some of these energy networks and how to integrate them, trying to answer these questions:
* How to detect psychological complexes in a chart?
* How do these complexes control our behavior?
* How can we deal with these intruder forces within? What’s the solution?After the talk we will have a virtual bar/cafe where we can catch up and mingle with each other!
Marcia Ferreira Silva is a psychologist, astrologer, teacher and consultant. She has been developing a deep work on the correlations between Astrology, Jungian Psychology and Psychoanalysis, since the 90s and this is her passion.Founder of C.E.A.P. in 2005, a school with an in-depth view of Psychological Astrology in Brazil, where she developed the school’s whole curriculum with several online courses. She gives astrological consultations and contributes as a speaker at national astrological events.
Marcia is internationally certified as ISAR C.A.P. and is also an international speaker. She was Brazil ISAR GB for 8 years, having implemented the Certification Program in the country.
Chosen Charity
In lieu of payment, Marcia has very kindly asked attendees to make a donation to “Lar dos Velhinhos de Campinas”. This is a charity in Marcia’s city which facilitates essential care and rehabilitation services for elderly people who face financial difficulty and homelessness.Alternatively, if you are unable to navigate the site in Portuguese, you can donate to the Astrology Ireland PayPal account and we will transfer all proceeds on your behalf
During this time of Covid, charities are struggling to survive. In view of this, we have decided at Astrology Ireland, together with our International speakers, not to charge a fee for the guest speaker meetups. We would very much appreciate you giving a donation instead to the charity of the speakers’ choice – thank you!
Thank you for joining us and we very much look forward to seeing you all!
Warmest wishes
Margaret & John
This talk will be recorded for our private YouTube channel, so when the talk starts please be reminded to switch off your camera if you do not wish to be captured on cam.